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Imaging Healthcare Services

At AlphaCare Inc., other than online consultancy and Rx refill, we provide a variety of imaging order requisition services through a network of online diagnostic centers nationwide. These accurate, efficient, and timely tests help the imaging health care specialists on our panel diagnose your medical conditions effectively and assist you in speedy recovery. 

Advanced Medical Imaging Online

Skip the trouble of going to a medical imaging center. Instead, just choose the type of imaging test recommended by the healthcare practitioner based on your medical condition and symptoms. Fill out a simple health care radiology form and send in your request for diagnostic imaging through our virtual imaging order submission services.

Keep in mind that you'll need to pay for these tests directly to the diagnostic centers they're sent to via our telemedicine platform.

Imaging Healthcare Services

Pay the charges at Diagnostic Center
3 Easy Steps

Diagnostic imaging is made simple and quick. Get your radiology tests done without unprecedented delays.

how it works
Request Imaging

Provide your medical history and diagnostic center information.

how it works
Get Tested

We'll refer you to the diagnostic center for professional test conduction.

how it works
Collect Reports

Receive and discuss your results with a licensed healthcare provider

Refund Policy:

Our consultation fee is non-refundable. However, we may refund if a health care practitioner doesn’t provide you with a treatment plan or if you cancel the online consultation (terms and conditions apply.)

Contact our customer support representative to confirm whether or not you are entitled to the refund.


Medicines Aren’t Included In Consultation Fee!

We only charge for online medical consultations. You need to pay the pharmacy to get your medicines.

Pay Per Visit:

There is no contract or monthly subscriptions. Just pay your consultation fee on each visit. You can also submit a consultation form for another person (your friend or family member.)